History is often made by seemingly insignificant moments that don’t always make sense; but the noise – the buzz of the complexity of society – often profoundly alters our world.
Our world and our lives are swayed considerably by chance, contingency and chaos. We control nothing, but we influence everything. In our interconnected lives, every action has an unforeseen ripple effect. Nothing is meaningless. This yields a profound truth: everything we do matters.
Small acts of rebellion
Among the visual cacophony of advertising, signage, and missives of every description, graffiti may alert us to a perceived injustice or proclaim that something is wrong in our world. Political graffiti and sticker art can serve as small acts of protest. We may choose to ignore these, take note, perhaps consider the message, or even act. All art has the potential to transform the viewer, even tiny messages in street art. From this perspective, The Anti-Robot sticker campaigns seek to inspire all the above.