
Squid Game 2, an Allegory of Capitalism Versus Democracy

In the nail-biting new season of Netflix’s hit series Squid Game, players’ desperate circumstances push them to make fatally risky bets on individual success even when collective action might save them. f the debut season of the Korean Netflix series Squid Game laid bare the ails of modern capitalism, its highly anticipated second season reflects the challenges to organizing


We Need Viable Working-Class Organizations

When a capitalist society lacks credible forms of working-class organization, workers’ pursuit of individual self-interest is a rational decision. Without labor unions and workers’ parties, the costs of taking collective action against the capitalist class become unreasonably high. Only when working-class organization exists do we see a systemic, collective challenge to capitalism.


In a Society Defined by Consumption

In a global society defined by consumption rather than production, voters loathe price increases and are ready to punish rulers who preside over them.  Perhaps America elected a dictator because Frosted Flakes hit $7.99 at the grocery store. How do we move to a different model? A world defined by consumption is not sustainable. And



Wealtherty is the state or condition of prosperity in abundance of possessions or riches, plus concomitant political power and influence, and resultant risks to the democratic process. This articulation assumes that the social (of social policy) is made up of richer and poorer people. It assumes that there is such a thing as morally and


FTC Staff Report Finds Large Social Media and Video…

Report recommends limiting data retention and sharing, restricting targeted advertising, and strengthening protections for teens. A new Federal Trade Commission staff report that examines the data collection and use practices of major social media and video streaming services shows they engaged in vast surveillance of consumers in order to monetize their personal information while failing


A Bit About Neoliberalism

The term neoliberalism is often criticized because it is used in various ways and understood differently by different people. It’s a slippery concept, but one could also say that about liberalism or democracy or conservatism. Each of these words is tricky and takes on different shapes in different times and places, and that’s true of