
Poverty increased in 2022 as wages fell and inflation…

A measure of poverty tracked by the Census Bureau rose in 2022, as COVID era benefits expired and average income fell, according to a Tuesday report. Why it matters: Child poverty saw a sharp increase in 2022 following a record low the year prior. Driving the news: While the official poverty rate (considered an outdated measure) didn’t see a significant change from 2021 to


Big Pharma Is Threatening to Withhold Medicine in Protest…

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act introduced modest drug pricing restrictions. In response, big pharma companies — which have seen record profits — are threatening to slow the rollout of a lifesaving drug. A Swiss pharmaceutical company announced this month that it could slow-walk bringing a potentially lifesaving drug to market — in order to reduce


Know Your Enemy: How to Defeat Capitalism

THEORY  •  February 6, 2022  •  Michael A. Lebowitz We must put an end to capitalism. To do that, we must know the enemy – capital. We will never defeat that enemy if we do not understand it – its effects, its strengths and weaknesses. If, for example, we don’t know capital as our enemy, then crises


Production and Consumption Under Capitalism — and Socialism

Democratic socialists see the point of socialism as extending democracy from politics to the economy. Defenders of capitalism sometimes push back against this by saying that the masses of ordinary people already control production — through the “price signals” they send through their consumer choices. Libertarian writers Milton and Rose Friedman famously argued in their book Free to


Corporations Will Never Defend Social Justice

It was always somewhat absurd to celebrate large corporate enterprises for embracing the language of social justice. Many big companies discriminate and treat their workers poorly, whatever superficial inclusionist rhetoric their PR departments like to spout — to say nothing of how many union bust and contribute to climate change. Such enterprises are, by definition,