
15 Years Ago, Mad Men Quietly Began Its Engagement With Leftist…

This month marks the 15th anniversary of the launch of Mad Men. The show isn’t just compelling narratively and aesthetically — it also features a little remarked upon consideration of left ideas. The prestige drama Mad Men, which ran for seven seasons, beginning fifteen years ago this month, received plenty of awards and close readings from mainstream


The WTO, with its ‘market knows best’ ideology, has…

The World Trade Organization has encouraged agricultural monopolies and cheap labour, and created vulnerable supply chains When delegates arrive in Geneva today for the long delayed World Trade Organization (WTO) summit, they will find an institution in the middle of an existential crisis. For 18 long months, the WTO has been debating a moderate proposal from South


Electric Cars Won’t Save Us

The electric car will be an important part of a green transition. But our main focus should be moving toward green collective mobility like public transportation and away from the dominance of personally owned cars. Despite the commitment to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius set by the Paris Agreement, the latest assessment of


Capitalism Creates Chaos. The Carceral System Is a Bad…

Capitalism creates social disorder and relies on police and prisons to manage it. Until liberals recognize this link between criminal justice and the economy, their reform programs will be ineffectual — and racist policing and mass incarceration will persist. The racial composition of the American prison system is staggeringly unequal, with black people incarcerated at


If You Like Democracy, You Should Oppose Capitalism

Liberal democracy gives us essential rights like free speech and civil liberties. But without challenging the domination of capital, liberal rights will always be curtailed by the power of the rich. In his 2001 book, Justice as Fairness: A Restatement, Rawls argued that competitive capitalism, and even an extensive Nordic-style welfare state, didn’t meet the requirements