Corporate Greed

The Loudest Opponents of “Inflation” Are Some of Its…

Prescription drugs, hospital visits, housing, higher education, and more have all become frighteningly more expensive, far outpacing Americans’ wages. But those kinds of price increases are ignored by the politicians who are now stridently decrying inflation. A dollar or two or even a few dozen cents more for gas and consumer goods is nothing to


COP26 Was a Flop, but the Climate Justice Movement…

The COP26 summit in Glasgow this month ended with a set of vague and inadequate pledges that won’t tackle the climate crisis. Real hope lies not with corporate-sponsored elite gatherings but with the popular movements linking climate action to social justice. The COP26 conference held in Scotland this year had the worst conditions for democratic


During COP26, Facebook served ads with climate falsehoods, skepticism

Nov 18 (Reuters) – Facebook advertisers promoted false and misleading claims about climate change on the platform in recent weeks, just as the COP26 conference was getting under way. Days after Facebook’s vice president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, touted the company’s efforts to combat climate misinformation in a blog as the Glasgow summit began, conservative media


The real reason behind US inflation is corporate greed.

Corporate giants are raising prices even as they rake in record profits. How can this be? Because of their unchecked power. There’s a deeper structural reason for inflation, one that appears to be growing worse: the economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few corporate giants with the power to