
Inequality in Emissions: What Does the Data Show?

Put simply, the climate crisis is being caused by the richest class in every country. They’re the ones who are recklessly driving us over the precipice of planetary breakdown. An Oxfam analysis with the Stockholm Environment Institute found the following: The per capita emissions of someone in the top 1 percent is 100 times higher than someone


Resource Nationalism and Decarbonization

Revisiting “resource nationalism” in a new era of raw minerals demand Across Latin America, a string of recent left-wing electoral victories has drawn comparisons to “Pink Tide” of the early 2000s. The Pink Tide took place in the context of a global commodities boom. The current moment, however, coincides with a global push towards decarbonization,


Oil Is Killing the Planet — And Driving Inflation

Today’s inflation isn’t just caused by a post-pandemic rebound in fuel prices, but a long-term exhaustion of oil production. We need to end our dependency on fossil fuels without it becoming the pretext for another wave of austerity. The price of crude oil has soared to over $90 per barrel from the early-pandemic depths of


COP26 Was a Flop, but the Climate Justice Movement…

The COP26 summit in Glasgow this month ended with a set of vague and inadequate pledges that won’t tackle the climate crisis. Real hope lies not with corporate-sponsored elite gatherings but with the popular movements linking climate action to social justice. The COP26 conference held in Scotland this year had the worst conditions for democratic


During COP26, Facebook served ads with climate falsehoods, skepticism

Nov 18 (Reuters) – Facebook advertisers promoted false and misleading claims about climate change on the platform in recent weeks, just as the COP26 conference was getting under way. Days after Facebook’s vice president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, touted the company’s efforts to combat climate misinformation in a blog as the Glasgow summit began, conservative media


Republicans’ Cop26 rhetoric shows climate disdain

Delegation aims to portray party as engaged even as Republicans back home have downplayed and dismissed climate change. A handful of Republican members of Congress have arrived at the UN climate talks in Glasgow in an attempt to portray the party as engaged on the climate crisis, with this message already badly undermined by colleagues