Abortion Rights

Conservatives Are Attacking Abortion Rights at the State Level

After overturning Roe v. Wade last year, conservatives are now chipping away at abortion access at the state level. At the helm is a dark money network led by right-wing activists, which has so far spent $18 million on opposing reproductive justice in Ohio. Conservative legal activist Leonard Leo’s dark money network has spent $18 million trying to


Big Pharma Is Threatening to Withhold Medicine in Protest…

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act introduced modest drug pricing restrictions. In response, big pharma companies — which have seen record profits — are threatening to slow the rollout of a lifesaving drug. A Swiss pharmaceutical company announced this month that it could slow-walk bringing a potentially lifesaving drug to market — in order to reduce


The Roe ruling is not about states’ rights. It’s…

From The Guardian It’s tempting to blame rightwing evangelicals for what happened last week – but big business also benefits from our loss of autonomy. When I was younger, my ideas about justice, religion, and harm were burgeoning and confused. Then I learned more. I studied and met Black women who were fighting for full reproductive justice:

Corporate Greed

The Koch Network Is Spreading COVID Misinformation

As the Omicron variant surges, an institute funded by the Koch network may be undermining government attempts to stop the pandemic. Earlier this month, as the Omicron variant began to spread, a small liberal arts school on a tree-lined campus in Michigan called Hillsdale College announced it was launching an Academy for Science and Freedom to “educate


On Social Spending, the Question Isn’t “Can We Afford…

When conservatives claim that we can’t afford new social programs, what they really mean is that they think individuals and families should figure out how to handle the costs of necessary care on their own. On November 19, the House of Representatives passed the $2.2 trillion budget reconciliation bill, which includes a broad package of