
Leon Has Got to Go

As the richest man in the world assaults the US government without our consent, we must recognize the situation as class war from above — and fight back. His visible and concerted project of destroying that government while flouting basic legal and democratic controls on his power is a brazen insult to the country. Fighting

Dreams of the Rich

It is Elon Musk who is now running the…

It may be Trump, that is, who sits in the Oval Office, and it may be Trump who takes to television every few days to sign yet another executive order seeking to punish and humiliate trans people. But it is Musk who controls government operations and federal spending, and so it is Musk who is



A government that is ruled by the least suitable, able, or experienced people. It refers to a situation where the worst individuals are in charge, often implying corruption or incompetence. Government by the shitty.

Dreams of the Rich

The Rich Want Their Own Cities

From Honduras to California, the dreams of the rich are reshaping urban spaces into exclusive private domains. The future of our cities must not be ceded to elites striving to construct walled utopias. In California, a group of tech and finance people are working on a secretive project to build a city in Solano County, near San