
Squid Game 2, an Allegory of Capitalism Versus Democracy

In the nail-biting new season of Netflix’s hit series Squid Game, players’ desperate circumstances push them to make fatally risky bets on individual success even when collective action might save them. f the debut season of the Korean Netflix series Squid Game laid bare the ails of modern capitalism, its highly anticipated second season reflects the challenges to organizing


Social Democracy

Social democracy is a system of political thought and action that calls upon the government to provide certain social and economic rights or entitlements necessary to the well-being of all members of the community. 

Class Struggle

From Chile to Grenada, Socialism Is What Capitalists Are…

The history of socialist politics in the Global South shows that all capitalists want a government that will govern unapologetically in their interests — and would prefer the intervention of foreign powers than democracy and socialism at home. Today, we too often study Salvador Allende’s government nostalgically, as a tale of heroic struggle and martyrdom.


Real Freedom in America Can Only Be Won Through…

A long tradition in US thought has emphasized the importance of economic security for ensuring individual liberty. But to truly realize equal freedom for all, we need a socialist politics fighting for democratic control over the economy. There’s no doubt that individual freedom is fundamental to the American self-conception — as our national anthem has


Star Trek Gave Us a Utopian Vision of an Egalitarian,…

Unlike many classic works of sci-fi, Star Trek offered an optimistic vision of humanity’s future — one where democracy triumphs, exploitation is ended, and everyone’s material needs are met. It’s the year 2364 and a tatty old space shuttle containing former Wall Street capitalist Ralph Offenhouse, who was cryogenically frozen in 1994, has just been discovered floating


Know Your Enemy: How to Defeat Capitalism

THEORY  •  February 6, 2022  •  Michael A. Lebowitz We must put an end to capitalism. To do that, we must know the enemy – capital. We will never defeat that enemy if we do not understand it – its effects, its strengths and weaknesses. If, for example, we don’t know capital as our enemy, then crises