Some Thoughts

Media. Whatever.

Through media real events come to us as one-demensional scripts. All is fabricated & coordinated according to the permutations dispensed by an automatic vending machine of ready-made explanations & predetermined emotions designed to arouse pity, indignation, disgust, whatever…

Some Thoughts

Signal to noise:

Data does not equal information. Data must be interpreted and understood in order to become information. Information does not equal knowledge. Knowledge is a construct that is created in the mind of the user as a result of accessing, processing and understanding information. Different individuals may extract different knowledge from the same information … or

Some Thoughts

Obey. Consume. Comply.

Most people work 40-plus hours a week at jobs they don’t like to buy things they don’t need. We are a society of alienated individuals held together by a culture industry that serves the interests of capitalism. Popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardized cultural goods to manipulate the masses into passivity; the

Some Thoughts

Media in a Democratic Society

There is a basic contradiction between a profit-driven, highly concentrated, advertising-saturated corporate media system and the requirements of a democratic society(e.g. an informed populace where all views are aired and the people are allowed to decide for themselves). There is no neutral, non-partisan mainstream press. It is a myth that “the market”compels media firms to

Some Thoughts

The Economy of Fear

The world economy is predicated on fear and unsatisfaction. We are conditioned by governments, corporations and the media (all are one in the same) to fear violence from all sides and to fear inadequacy in every aspect of our lives. No matter how much we spend in time, currency and grief, we can never achieve