
Fascism begins …

Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege. – Tommy Douglas

Some Thoughts

Trump’s Climate Disaster

Donald Trump has spent the past month openly courting fossil fuel money and mocking the very idea of climate change. This delusional and catastrophic posture has barely registered in the US news media.

Some Thoughts

Rogue AI

Possibly future rogue AIs will do evil things we can’t even comprehend for reasons of their own, but right now rogue AIs just do straightforward white-collar crime when they are stressed at work. The Future: We will program computers that are infinitely smarter than us, and they will look around and decide “you know what

Some Thoughts

This Friday, Buy Nothing.

Black Friday is the perverse ritual of our failing civilization — a consumerist kabuki show that makes us feel like shit and kills the planet in the process. Let’s call this nonsense done, and start inventing new ways to live, love and celebrate. This Friday, Buy Nothing. Then ride the momentum of clear, brave thinking