
Companies That Union-Bust Must Now Automatically Recognize Union, NLRB…

A new framework for unionizations means that a company must voluntarily recognize a union or demand an election—and can no longer interfere with the election. The National Labor Relations Board issued a ruling on Friday that changes the framework for unionizations, making it easier for workers to organize and harder for companies to fight back against them. 


The Strike Is One of Workers’ Most Powerful Weapons…

It’s the summer of the strike: Hollywood actors and writers are staging a massive joint walkout, UPS Teamsters have won a historic tentative agreement on the back of a strike threat, and a major labor stoppage is likely in coming months at one of the “Big Three” American automakers. What does this recent wave of


American workers are burned out and tired. There’s a…

The good news is, we know how to fix that malaise – because many, many people have been right there with you before What your awful, rich, heartless bosses do not want under any circumstances is a well-organized and pissed off labor union in their companies. That would really screw them. That is something they


Americans’ support for labor unions at highest for nearly…

Gallup survey finds 71% of US residents approve of unions amid a wave of successful organizing efforts A new Gallup annual Work and Education survey found that Americans’ approval of labor unions is at its highest point in nearly 60 years. At 71%, residents of the US approve of unions at a higher rate than in 1965.