

On Social Spending, the Question Isn’t “Can We Afford…

When conservatives claim that we can’t afford new social programs, what they really mean is that they think individuals and families should figure out how to handle the costs of necessary care on their own. On November 19, the House of Representatives passed the $2.2 trillion budget reconciliation bill, which includes a broad package of


Tucker Carlson’s Populism for the 1 Percent

Tucker Carlson likes to style himself a populist. But every time there’s a fight over something that might actually make life easier for working-class people, he never misses the opportunity to take the side of big business and the rich. Watching Carlson’s show means wading through an ocean of passionate, angry screeds taking aim at


COP26 Was a Flop, but the Climate Justice Movement…

The COP26 summit in Glasgow this month ended with a set of vague and inadequate pledges that won’t tackle the climate crisis. Real hope lies not with corporate-sponsored elite gatherings but with the popular movements linking climate action to social justice. The COP26 conference held in Scotland this year had the worst conditions for democratic


Is Wisconsin Still a Democracy?

All signs now point to a full-court press by the GOP to rig state election rules in a bid to stay in power permanently. So far, Democrats have barely put up a fight. Last week, Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson appeared on local radio to declare his “loss of confidence” in the state’s elections commission and


Amazon wages secret war on Americans’ privacy Inc has amassed a vast amount of sensitive personal information on its customers. Internal documents reveal how a former aide to Joe Biden helped the tech giant build a lobbying juggernaut that has gutted legislation in two dozen states seeking to give consumers more control over their data. In recent years, Inc has