

Rich People in the US Have Been Allowed to…

The next time you’re struggling to pay your rent or afford child care, think about this: the uberrich in the US are now paying top dollar to cut in line to get health care and hiring rotating casts of nannies so one is always at their beck and call. The 99 percent are suffering. With


We’re All Burning Ourselves Out to Keep Money Flowing…

Increased productivity has failed to translate into fair compensation, and we’re all working ourselves to death. Not having time to rest or think is not just terrible for human beings — it’s terrible for democracy. All Work, No Play In our market society, time spent outside work is often infiltrated by work-related concerns, upsetting what


Real Freedom in America Can Only Be Won Through…

A long tradition in US thought has emphasized the importance of economic security for ensuring individual liberty. But to truly realize equal freedom for all, we need a socialist politics fighting for democratic control over the economy. There’s no doubt that individual freedom is fundamental to the American self-conception — as our national anthem has


Slander and Threats Won’t Stop the Protests Against Israel’s…

As the Israeli military uses ever more violence against Gaza’s civilian population, there have been massive demonstrations calling for a cease-fire. The protesters are taking a stand for basic human solidarity against the moral bankruptcy of Western leaders. On the last day of October, Israel bombed the densely populated Jabalia refugee camp north of Gaza City, demolishing


Israel’s Occupation Is the Obstacle to Peace

Permanent occupation by Israel and the subjugation of Palestinians in a land that is nearly half Palestinian will never bring stability and security. As Israel carpet bombs and levels a totally besieged Gaza, killing thousands of civilians, including more than three thousand children, Western media continues to use the “right of self-defense” mantra to shut


The UAW Now Has Tentative Deals With All Three…

After six weeks on strike, the UAW has secured tentative agreements with all of the Big Three automakers, including apparent wins on everything from pay and tiers to reopening an idled plant. The deals will soon go to the membership for a ratification vote. Forty-four days after occupying the General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan,