
The American Ruling Class Has Never Let Us Build…

The nation’s original failure to “build back better” was Reconstruction, the attempt to radically remake society in the wake of the Civil War. Then as now, the most powerful people in the country went out of their way to maintain the status quo. America loves a good comeback story, but only at the movies. In


The Architecture of Prisons Is Everywhere We Look

Buildings’ design communicates the values of a society. In contemporary American architecture, those values appear closer to control and surveillance than openness and enjoyment for all. Public buildings — all buildings — perform social functions; they organize people and their activities. Prisons remove people from their environment and therefore their humanity; they discipline and isolate.


We Can’t Blame the South Alone for Anti-Tax Austerity…

The South of slavery and Jim Crow is often cast as the major historical reason for the US’s stunted welfare state. But the most fanatical resistance to taxation and redistribution came from the Northern ruling class. To understand our current politics of austerity, we are better served to explore not the defeated ideology of slaveholders


Art and Capital Have Become Nearly Indistinguishable

From brands commissioning immersive installations at prestigious art fairs to hedge funds transforming artworks into stock-like financial instruments, the line between art and capital is blurrier than ever. Capitalism, of course, has always been in the process of absorbing art. For the most part, art has historically functioned as a site of patronage, an asset


The real reason behind US inflation is corporate greed.

Corporate giants are raising prices even as they rake in record profits. How can this be? Because of their unchecked power. There’s a deeper structural reason for inflation, one that appears to be growing worse: the economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few corporate giants with the power to


CNN Poll: Three out of four adults think Facebook…

(CNN) Roughly three-quarters of adults believe Facebook is making American society worse, a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS finds, with about half saying they know somebody who was persuaded to believe in a conspiracy theory because of the site’s content.Americans say, 76% to 11%, that Facebook makes society worse, not better, according to the survey. Another 13% say