
Christianity has been reduced to just a political identity

Christianity has been reduced to just a political identity, a toxic identity at that. It is merely a hateful political tool, a reactionary brand. Christianity, indeed most religions, are a means of oppression, a means of exclusion, and a primary weapon of spreading hate and fear.

Far Right

Suffer the Little Children

For the right, kids are no longer off-limits AGAINST THE NAUSEATING BACKDROP of human misery and calculating cruelty that comprised the now-notorious 2018 zero tolerance policy more often known as family separation, there was dark comedy in watching “family-loving” conservatives and a growing web of right-wing influencers twist themselves into pretzels defending the barbarism against families


Republicans are dusting off a tried and true election…

Male voters have been drifting right in record numbers – and Republicans are taking a viciously homophobic and sexist tack to appeal to them. The 2022 midterm elections are shaping up to be among the most deeply gender-divided elections in American history. A new poll by NBC News, measuring voters’ preferences ahead of the November elections,