
The Effect of Class Consciousness on Political Preferences

Political preferences are often discussed through a one-size-fits-all middle-class lens. But empirical data shows that class significantly influences voting patterns, with growing class consciousness driving dissatisfaction with established parties. Karl Marx’s most profound insight was recognizing how commodity fetishism — the fixation on simple commodities themselves — obscures the ways that workers’ labor shapes most


Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US…

The court’s current justices are some of the most hostile to labor rights in modern US history. Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the supreme court has been supremely pro-corporate – one study even called the Roberts court “the most pro-business court in history”. Not only have many justices been groomed and vetted by the business-backed Federalist Society, but Clarence Thomas and Samuel


New York’s first offshore wind hub to be built…

The agreement prioritizes hiring locally for union construction jobs to build a ‘linchpin’ of the Biden administration’s offshore wind ambitions. Labor groups inked a first-of-its-kind deal to support local hiring and union jobs with the developer of New York’s first offshore wind port. It’s an agreement for the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, envisioned as a


Tesla Has Bitten Off More Than It Can Chew…

Elon Musk is attempting to expand Tesla into Sweden and circumvent its unions — but Swedish labor has a long history of taking on big US firms. If they can bring Tesla to heel, it will mark a major victory for organized labor across the globe. Since the end of October, mechanics at Tesla workshops


We’re All Burning Ourselves Out to Keep Money Flowing…

Increased productivity has failed to translate into fair compensation, and we’re all working ourselves to death. Not having time to rest or think is not just terrible for human beings — it’s terrible for democracy. All Work, No Play In our market society, time spent outside work is often infiltrated by work-related concerns, upsetting what


Real Freedom in America Can Only Be Won Through…

A long tradition in US thought has emphasized the importance of economic security for ensuring individual liberty. But to truly realize equal freedom for all, we need a socialist politics fighting for democratic control over the economy. There’s no doubt that individual freedom is fundamental to the American self-conception — as our national anthem has