
Myths of Our Childhood

One of the many myths drilled into Americans’ minds from a young age is the noble, enlightened ideals of the Founding Fathers. Ask any schoolchild why the US Constitution was written, and they’re likely to rattle off any number of platitudes and cliches. They might say “to defend our freedom” or “to protect democracy.” In


We Need Viable Working-Class Organizations

When a capitalist society lacks credible forms of working-class organization, workers’ pursuit of individual self-interest is a rational decision. Without labor unions and workers’ parties, the costs of taking collective action against the capitalist class become unreasonably high. Only when working-class organization exists do we see a systemic, collective challenge to capitalism.



A government that is ruled by the least suitable, able, or experienced people. It refers to a situation where the worst individuals are in charge, often implying corruption or incompetence. Government by the shitty.


Change is Still Possible

Without a theory of change, there is no politics: elections and other news become nothing more than a site of trauma, from which we must, out of self-care, protect ourselves and withdraw.


The Robot Uprising Has Begun

… and not the good kind. A Michigan college student writing about the elderly received this suggestion from Google’s Gemini AI: “This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on


What Happens Outside the Ballot Box is Just as…

Democracy is as much about what happens outside the ballot box: impartial rules, practices, institutions — and political culture — that are not only inclusive, but that foster the reasoned discourse, negotiation and compromise necessary to reach a governing consensus in diverse societies.