Some Thoughts

Media in a Democratic Society

There is a basic contradiction between a profit-driven, highly concentrated, advertising-saturated corporate media system and the requirements of a democratic society(e.g. an informed populace where all views are aired and the people are allowed to decide for themselves). There is no neutral, non-partisan mainstream press. It is a myth that “the market”compels media firms to

Some Thoughts

The Economy of Fear

The world economy is predicated on fear and unsatisfaction. We are conditioned by governments, corporations and the media (all are one in the same) to fear violence from all sides and to fear inadequacy in every aspect of our lives. No matter how much we spend in time, currency and grief, we can never achieve

Some Thoughts

Patterns of consumption

The real issue is not consumption itself but its patterns and effects.Inequalities in consumption are stark. Globally, the 20% of the world’speople in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total privateconsumption expenditures – the poorest 20% a miniscule 1.3%.More specifically, the richest fifth:Consume 45% of all meat and fish, the poorest fifth 5%.Consume 58%