

Wealtherty is the state or condition of prosperity in abundance of possessions or riches, plus concomitant political power and influence, and resultant risks to the democratic process. This articulation assumes that the social (of social policy) is made up of richer and poorer people. It assumes that there is such a thing as morally and

Corporate Greed


The revolution has already occurred—and while capitalism lost, communal ownership certainly did not win. Capitalism died when the physical means of production—machines, factories, and services—were superseded by virtual platforms that, in feudal style, seek “rent” rather than surplus profit derived from labor. Technofeudalism, a system dominated by enormous companies existing largely online that transform users


Why has politics been 50-50 for over a decade?

Political Parties have become quasi-religions, power lies with priesthood — the dispersed array of media figures, podcast hosts and activists who run the conversation, define party orthodoxy and determine the boundaries of acceptable belief.


Authoritarianism Through Convenience

Impact, an app that describes itself as “AI-powered infrastructure for shaping and managing narratives in the modern world,” is testing a way to organize and activate supporters on social media in order to promote certain political messages. The app aims to summon groups of supporters who will flood social media with AI-written talking points designed


Yeah, about political donations….

“The flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent.” All of us have the right to contribute to candidates and campaigns, but rather few of us have the capacity to do so on a scale that ensures our interests will be represented in the political system. Forty