
Production and Consumption Under Capitalism — and Socialism

Democratic socialists see the point of socialism as extending democracy from politics to the economy. Defenders of capitalism sometimes push back against this by saying that the masses of ordinary people already control production — through the “price signals” they send through their consumer choices. Libertarian writers Milton and Rose Friedman famously argued in their book Free to


We Can Reimagine Our Systems of Ownership and Control

The Left’s agenda has to include three basic commitments: democratize production, decommodify life’s essentials, and defend the public goods we all hold in common. To do that, we have to transform the very idea of ownership. Throughout the pandemic and the period of economic pain it brought, the news cycle has been gripped by a


People are tired of being ignored while the rich…

The Vermont senator rose from the political margins to become hugely influential within the American left. As he prepares to speak at a London rally, he explains why unions on both sides of the Atlantic must reassert their power Both are unlikely political sensations who were long consigned to the fringes: Bernie Sanders, an octogenarian


Paul Sweezy Was One of the 20th Century’s Great…

The Marxist economist Paul Sweezy dedicated his life to understanding how capitalism works, and how it had changed since Karl Marx’s time. The big economic questions that Sweezy addressed are still fundamental for socialists today. Paul Sweezy was one of the most distinguished and most controversial Marxian economists of the twentieth century. Sweezy took up


Socialism Makes Summer Better

In capitalist America, millions of workers never get a vacation. But for the past century, bringing sunshine and leisure to the masses has been among the socialist movement’s greatest achievements. Many Americans not only have to work in person but also can’t get time off from their jobs. US employers are not required to provide