Israel’s war on Palestine is just an extension of…
About every war waged by the United States and it’s allies in the past 30 years have been on majority Islamic countries. Israel’s genocide in Gaza is just the latest installment.
About every war waged by the United States and it’s allies in the past 30 years have been on majority Islamic countries. Israel’s genocide in Gaza is just the latest installment.
The top 10 percent of households own 73 percent of the nation’s wealth, while the bottom 50 percent of households own just 2 percent of the nation’s wealth.
Poetry is often lost on me, but Mark Nowak’s work cuts right to my heart. from “. . . Again” By Mark Nowak We walked toward the zenith not expecting a new rising sun, but satisfied with the Cheese Whiz, Zebra Cakes, and Zingers at the end of the aisle at Family Dollar. Maybe eat
By Mark Nowak Encyclopedias and empires go extinct. Eternity isn’t an option. Enjoy the evanescent moon before it evaporates into another eerie dawn, eerie day. Shuttered used car lot across the street from Wastequip headquarters sells eggs for $3 a dozen and flies a Blue Lives Matter flag. It’s the ecosystem nowadays. The Anthropocene. Chickens
Wisdom in our modern world may boil down to recognizing that LOL and fail and trashy and OMG don’t actually represent different categories of human experience. Current culture kicks up ambivalence and regret. We mask our dread with peanut brittle and daiquiris.
If you are not careful the media will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. -Malcolm X