Some Thoughts

Garbage in/Garbage out

Garbage in produces garbage out. However if the garbage is really designed to confuse or consume bandwidth & attention, then is it really garbage? It may be garbage to most but it is serving a purpose in the wars of ideas. Garbage/noise is consuming some portion of our attention. It is crowding out or masking

Some Thoughts

Media. Whatever.

Through media real events come to us as one-demensional scripts. All is fabricated & coordinated according to the permutations dispensed by an automatic vending machine of ready-made explanations & predetermined emotions designed to arouse pity, indignation, disgust, whatever…

Some Thoughts

Signal to noise:

Data does not equal information. Data must be interpreted and understood in order to become information. Information does not equal knowledge. Knowledge is a construct that is created in the mind of the user as a result of accessing, processing and understanding information. Different individuals may extract different knowledge from the same information … or

Some Thoughts

Obey. Consume. Comply.

Most people work 40-plus hours a week at jobs they don’t like to buy things they don’t need. We are a society of alienated individuals held together by a culture industry that serves the interests of capitalism. Popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardized cultural goods to manipulate the masses into passivity; the