Welcome to a Brave New World of Price Gouging

Sellers have always had access to more information than buyers, and “dynamic pricing,” which harnesses the power of algorithms and big data, is supercharging this asymmetry.

If you weren’t already convinced the future of capitalism will involve an endless optimization of extractive capacity and the ensuing enshitification of every last bit of consumer life, well, get ready for a new frontier in “dynamic pricing.” Last month, Wendy’s floated its plan for dynamic pricing in 2025 on an earnings call. People flipped their lids and the fast-food chain rushed to clarify that they wouldn’t use their digital menus to raise prices — no, no, no, there would be no surge pricing. Quite the opposite. They’d merely use data and tech to offer better deals for customers at slower times.

Setting aside for the moment the unbelievability of their about-face, the Wendy’s plan is the tip of the dynamic pricing spear as more industries and companies look to implement the model, particularly restaurants.

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